Take charge of your health with Ayurveda

Minute Wonder Ayurveda, founded by Ayurvedic Doctor Preeti Gupta, is the place to go. Our Holistic Clinic and Wellness Center is located in San Ramon and offers a range of Ayurvedic treatments and therapies based on the principles of this ancient medical system.

Schedule your free 15-minute consultation today.

Image of Ayurvedic spices & oils
Ayurvedic service of oil pouring also known as Shirodhara
Image of Ayurvedic Herbs and Oils being prepared for Ayurvedic service

Ayurveda is a complete natural health care system that takes a holistic approach to health and well-being, recognizing that health is not just the absence of disease, but rather a state of overall physical, mental, and social well-being.

Warm Ayurvedic Oil being poured to perform an Ayurvedic body massage
Image of an Ayurvedic feast
Image of a client receiving and Ayurvedic massage

Our Ayurvedic services

Our Holistic Clinic and Wellness Center is located in San Ramon and offers a range of Ayurvedic treatments and therapies based on the principles of this ancient medical system.

  • Our initial consultation includes a thorough analysis of your health and lifestyle, as well as recommendations for natural detoxification, a customized diet plan, herbal supplements, and self-care routines.

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  • Abhyanga, or oil massage, is an important practice in Ayurveda that can help treat various diseases and preserve health by healing and rejuvenating the individual.

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  • An Ayurvedic treatment involves the use of steam infused with herbs or essential oils to cleanse and purify the body, helping to transform toxins and evacuate them through the sweat glands.

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  • Shirodhara is a traditional Ayurvedic treatment that involves the continuous pouring of warm oil over the forehead.

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  • Basti is a specific Ayurvedic therapy that involves the application of warm medicated oil to various regions.

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Preeti Gupta owner and Ayurvedic practitioner studying her collection of Ayurvedic herbs and spices

There are several factors that make Ayurveda unique among various systems of alternative medicine:

  • Ayurveda views the body, mind, and spirit as interconnected, and emphasizes the importance of treating the whole person rather than just the symptoms of a particular condition.

  • Ayurveda recognizes that each individual is unique, and tailors treatment to the specific needs and constitution of each person.

  • Ayurveda places a strong emphasis on prevention, recognizing that maintaining good health is much easier than trying to restore it once it has been lost.

  • Ayurveda often utilizes natural remedies such as herbs, diet, and lifestyle changes to treat and prevent illness.

  • Ayurveda is based on the idea that the natural world contains the keys to good health and well-being, and seeks to harness the healing power of nature to promote health and well-being.

About Preeti

Preeti Gupta founded Minute Wonder in 2010, motivated by her desire to improve her family’s health. She initially studied the Western approach to health, becoming a health data statistician, and started cooking for her family, creating her own recipes and teaching them about the food they were consuming.

With her unique background combining Western food industry and business knowledge with a deep devotion to Ayurveda and therapy, Preeti’s approach to health is truly unique and effective. She is a professional member of the National Ayurvedic Medical Association (NAMA) and opened an Ayurveda clinic in the Bay Area (San Ramon) in 2021.

Shop Favorite Ayurveda Products

Tongue Cleaner

Sesame Seed Oil

Hair Oil


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