Steam Therapy/

Swedana is a traditional Ayurvedic procedure that induces sweat in order to detoxify the body. The term ‘Swedana’ is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Swid,’ which means ‘to sweat or perspire.’ This traditional Ayurvedic treatment involves the use of steam infused with herbs or essential oils to cleanse and purify the body, helping to transform toxins and evacuate them through the sweat glands. Swedana (Steam Therapy) is typically done in conjunction with other Ayurvedic therapies, such as massage and herbal treatments, as part of a comprehensive treatment plan known as panchakarma.

Image of a person receiving Steam Therapy with perspiration on their skin,

Swedana usually follows Abhyanga, a full-body warm oil massage.

Swedana can be administered in different forms – it can be localized to a certain body part or can be whole-body treatment. The process begins by ensuring the client is comfortable. The type of Swedana treatment to be applied will be decided by the Ayurvedic practitioner based on the client’s constitution (Prakriti), health condition, and the nature of their imbalance (Vikriti). Once the type of Swedana is determined, the client is exposed to heat and/or steam. For instance, a tent might be used to envelop the client, and herbal steam will be directed into the tent. This induces sweating and helps open up the pores, stimulating the removal of toxins through them.

After sufficient perspiration has been induced, the client is gradually cooled down, and the sweat is gently wiped off.

Nadi Swedana

Nadi Swedana is a localized sweating therapy in Ayurveda. The term ‘Nadi’ means tube or pipe, and ‘Swedana’ means to induce sweating. This therapy involves the use of medicated steam directed through a tube onto specific areas of the body, usually over the sites of pain or stiffness.

The process starts with a mild oil massage in the affected area, after which the herbal steam is applied. The heat and active principles of the herbs in the steam penetrate the skin, helping to alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and improve local circulation. It’s primarily used for musculoskeletal disorders like arthritis, sciatica, or any localized pain or stiffness.

Parishek Swedana service being performed on woman that includes medicated oil being poured over specific parts of the body

Parishek Swedana

The term ‘Dhara’ means ‘to pour’ or ‘to flow’ in Sanskrit. Pariseka Swedana, commonly known as Dhara therapy in Ayurveda, involves the pouring of medicated liquids like herbal oils, milk, or kwath (decoctions) over specific parts of the body or the entire body, as needed. Depending upon the client’s health condition and the treatment required, different types of medicated liquids are chosen.

If oil is used (known as Taila Dhara), it is gently warmed and then slowly poured over the body or the specific area in a rhythmic manner, usually from a specific height and for a certain duration. This process might be continued for 30-60 minutes, based on the recommendation of the Ayurvedic practitioner.

If a kwath or herbal decoction is used (Kwatha Dhara), the preparation of the decoction will be specific to the individual’s Dosha imbalance and health condition. The lukewarm decoction is then poured over the body, following the same process as with oil.

Image of Pinda Swedana Therapy

Pinda Swedana

‘Pinda’ means bolus, and ‘Swedana’ means to sweat or perspire. The therapy involves sweating the body using a bolus or poultice. The bolus is typically made with specific herbs, grains, and medicated oils, although the exact contents can vary based on the individual’s specific needs and the disease to be treated. Some forms of Pinda Swedana use milk and rice (known as Shashtika Shali Pinda Swedana or Navarakizhi), while others use a combination of medicinal herbs.

The procedure begins with a thorough oil massage (Abhyanga) to prepare the body. Then, the prepared bolus is warmed and gently applied over the body or specific areas of the body. This application of heat and herbal substances induces sweating, helping to expel toxins and restore balance in the body.

Image of Bashpa Swedana (Steam Tent) at Minute Wonder Ayurveda in San Ramon, CA

Bashpa Swedana (Steam Tent)

Bashpa Swedana is a full-body steam therapy. ‘Bashpa’ in Sanskrit means steam. After an Abhyanga (oil massage), the individual is made to sit in a steam chamber, with the head kept outside to prevent overheating. The body is exposed to medicated herbal steam, which opens the pores and induces sweating.

Bashpa Swedana is highly effective in detoxifying the body, improving circulation, relieving muscle tension, and promoting overall relaxation. It’s beneficial for individuals with a Kapha-Vata imbalance and is typically used to treat issues like obesity, rheumatoid arthritis, and respiratory disorders.

Image of a person receiving the benefits of Swedana

Benefits of Swedana

The benefits of Swedana therapy are extensive and can be specifically catered to individual needs through the selection of the appropriate type of Swedana and the choice of herbs used.

  • Swedana therapy promotes sweating, which is a natural way for the body to eliminate toxins. This can help cleanse the body, improve overall health, and enhance the efficacy of subsequent Ayurvedic treatments.

  • The warmth from Swedana therapy dilates blood vessels, enhancing circulation throughout the body. This improved circulation can aid in the healing of injuries, reduce inflammation, and promote overall well-being.

  • Swedana therapy can be highly beneficial for those suffering from arthritis, rheumatism, muscle stiffness, and other musculoskeletal issues. The heat can help relieve pain and inflammation, while the increased blood flow can facilitate healing.

  • By balancing the Doshas and removing Ama (accumulated toxins), Swedana can enhance digestion and metabolism.

  • The process of Swedana therapy can be deeply relaxing, helping to reduce stress and anxiety levels. This can lead to improved mental health, better sleep, and a greater sense of well-being.

  • The therapeutic steam in Swedana opens up the pores and cleanses the skin, potentially improving skin health and complexion.

  • Swedana therapy can increase flexibility and mobility, particularly when combined with Ayurvedic massage. This can be particularly beneficial for those with stiffness or joint pain.

What are the contraindications?

As with all therapeutic procedures, it’s important to undertake Swedana therapy under the supervision of a certified Ayurvedic practitioner. While generally safe, there are certain contra-indications, and some individuals may need to avoid this therapy or have it tailored to their specific needs. Thus, a personalized consultation is key to ensuring the therapy provides the maximum benefit.

It is not recommended for people who:

  • Due to their potentially weaker constitution, these individuals may not be able to handle the physical stress that the procedure can cause.

  • Skin diseases or wounds might get aggravated due to the heat and moisture involved in Swedana.

  • Individuals with heart diseases, high blood pressure, or other related conditions should avoid Swedana due to the stress that it might put on their cardiovascular system.

  • The procedure may induce uterine contractions or affect hormonal balance, making it unsafe for these individuals.

  • As Swedana increases body temperature, it is not advisable for those with fever.

  • Those who are very weak or exhausted may not have the physical capacity to handle the therapy.

  • Swedana can increase circulation, potentially exacerbating bleeding disorders.

  • Swedana may aggravate these conditions due to increased heat and metabolic activity.

  • Increased blood circulation can potentially spread the disease faster.

  • Like glaucoma or severe dry eyes: The heat and steam can aggravate these conditions.

Please note that while we’ve listed common contra-indications, every individual is different and should consult with a certified Ayurvedic practitioner before undergoing Swedana or any Ayurvedic treatment. The Ayurvedic practitioner will take into consideration the person’s overall health, their specific Prakriti, Vikriti, and the season of the year before prescribing the right therapy.

Ready to experience the transformative benefits of swedana for yourself?

Contact our Ayurvedic practitioner to schedule a consultation and learn more about how this therapy can support your overall health and well-being. With the right treatment plan, you can take an important step towards achieving optimal balance, vitality, and well-being.

Schedule your appointment today!